

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall, Fall, Fall

Well today definitely has the feeling of fall! Cold wind! I think tonight we are going to light a fire in our fireplace! hmm... and it smells like cinnamon rolls in here! I made cinnamon rolls from scratch for my first time yesterday! Along with homemade soup! and today i've been busy going through Sophia and Charles closet, pulling out things that are too small, summer things and finding their winter things. Always a big job, and even though i've been cleaning all day I feel like my house is still messy! Funny how that works out!? Well part of it is that Sophia and Charles follow behind me "helping". haha I love when they help even though it makes it harder to get things done.

Sophia and Charles are always proud of themselves when they "help". Sophia is in such a copying stage right now! The other night at the dinner table, i'm not sure why but David bent down and was hitting ( or it looked like he was) his head on the table. Well within a few seconds Sophia was copying. We all started laughing so he did something else, and sure enough she did it too again! She has always seemed to copy us, but not as much as lately. Yesterday David was playing with snickers, and Sophia was busy pretending to be playing with an imaginary puppy like Daddy was! It was so cute!

Charles on the other hand seems to copy Sophs more then us! She taught him how to throw away their dirty diapers! haha he is so proud when we say good job Charles! He gets a big smile and claps for himself, just like Sophia does! It amazes me how much they enjoy each other! And yet lately even more so then normal they want what the other has. Like the other morning they were both drinking a juice bottle, and they both dropped theirs and went for each others, it made no sense, they both had the same thing but they didn't want the one they had. Then they were fine! Silly kids!

my cinnamon rolls, a few of them anyway, not the prettiest looking cinnamon rolls, but they taste good!

me and Sophs this morning.

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