

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Family Visit

So a few days ago now we had a visit from my family. They were passing through on their way to California, and their was a bunch of them! haha my uncle Alan drove down from Alaska with his wife Kirsten and daughter Kaleah. They drove to Minnesota and picked up my Grandma and Grandpa, my Mother, my Aunt Sally, my cousin Alissa, and my little Sister Teather! (Teahter was a suprise! She came just to see me! well and to go to a Hollister Outlet, but I like to think it was only me! lol) Well driving with that many people and wanting to see things they got in later then expected after the kids went to bed and we all went out to eat at Cruisers, except David he stayed behind. (at a rt 66 Diner in town) Short quick visit but enjoyed seeing them. Then ofIf they went towards California!

So the other day I was watching old videos of Sophia and Charles on facebook, and they sat quiet the whole time and gladly watched them with me! I wonder if they realize that is them as they were little or if their just fascinated because its another little kid! I so often wish I could be inside their head and hear what their thinking!

Like this random video was after Charles had been crawling for a while, I video taped it because his silly scrunched up face he was making! It is funny to see the different stages they go through. Pacifiers, faces, laughs, etc.

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