

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Coffee Maker

So David bought me a new coffee maker the other day! We had those keurig ones that are single cups, which are nice, but if you don't buy the K-cups like we don't usually it becomes kind of annoying to only get one cup and when it doesn't work very well and you need to run it twice to get one nice full cup! So needless to say David spoiled me with a new one!

this is it!!! and so going from one that makes only one cup that you have to do everytime, to one that you put together the night before and then have 12 fresh cups when you wake up!!! Well, I think I have been overdoing my coffee! but it is yummy and delicious and glad I don't have to go through the work to make a second cup if I want one, its just there waiting for me to take it! and maybe a third.... or forth, can't waste coffee!! lol

Monday, June 11, 2012

Charlie's New Word

 It's so cute hearing Charles say Sophia's name! It use to be just Ia but now it has turned into Sooopia! lol His songs now changed from always being about baby to Soooopiiiia, Sopia!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Update on our house... with some PICTURES!

Well we seem to have most places organized... or almost organized except our family room! Well since we didn't completely unpack at the rental we have that to go through plus the rest of the stuff that was in the sheds! Then after that we have painting to do still, the drive-way needs to be rec-cemented the outside needs to be repainted... ect the list seems to continue, but we are living in it and can relax to a certain extent...

So here are some pictures and you can see for yourself! I don't have the before pictures, David has them on his cell phone... so I guess they will have to come later!