

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Unexpected Weather!

So being 7,000 feet above sea level can bring unusual or unexpected weather! Like having a snow storm beginning of December and then today December 29th its 59 degrees! So I am enjoying the day with all our windows open enjoying fresh air! The next two days are suppose to be just as warm and then it drops to the lower 50s! Wonder what the weather holds for next week!

Family Visit

So a few days ago now we had a visit from my family. They were passing through on their way to California, and their was a bunch of them! haha my uncle Alan drove down from Alaska with his wife Kirsten and daughter Kaleah. They drove to Minnesota and picked up my Grandma and Grandpa, my Mother, my Aunt Sally, my cousin Alissa, and my little Sister Teather! (Teahter was a suprise! She came just to see me! well and to go to a Hollister Outlet, but I like to think it was only me! lol) Well driving with that many people and wanting to see things they got in later then expected after the kids went to bed and we all went out to eat at Cruisers, except David he stayed behind. (at a rt 66 Diner in town) Short quick visit but enjoyed seeing them. Then ofIf they went towards California!

So the other day I was watching old videos of Sophia and Charles on facebook, and they sat quiet the whole time and gladly watched them with me! I wonder if they realize that is them as they were little or if their just fascinated because its another little kid! I so often wish I could be inside their head and hear what their thinking!

Like this random video was after Charles had been crawling for a while, I video taped it because his silly scrunched up face he was making! It is funny to see the different stages they go through. Pacifiers, faces, laughs, etc.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sophia and Charles

So yesterday Charles decided he was going to learn to JUMP! It was the funniest thing watching him, I think he actually managed to get a few cm off the ground the last time and he was pretty proud of himself! Sophia on the other hand just watched him and didn't attempt to try.
Then later that night David and me were talking in the living room, Sophia and Charles had disappeared to Charlies room and we heard them laughing hysterically!! Curious on what was so funny but also being their bedtime we called them back out to the living room for story time and hugs. So then we walked back to Charlies room first like normal only to TRIP over a DRAWER completely unattached to the dresser! David and me started laughing pretty hard too realizing now what they found soo funny just ten minutes or so before.

I got a video of Sophia being silly walking around with a basket on her head laughing about it, and Charles was behind her with one too but I never got him on the video, he must have gotten distracted by something.

this was a few weeks ago after we finally got Snow! which is mostly all gone again.

I love how snow looks in trees after a snowfall!

Charles decided to follow snickers under our coffee table.

Sophia decided that it looked like fun! Wearing daddy's tie too!

They turned it into a game! Which they do with most things now a days, following each other under then out!

Sophia admiring our Christmas tree!

Haha, she always smiles BIG for the camera!

Goofy girl!


ok mom! enough is enough!

haha Playing follow the leader with baskets on their heads!

Daddy gave them this idea

haha Snickers decided to join!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

As of December 21st

It has occurred to me that I don't write on my blog very often! It is hard to find the time! I sit down and next thing I know i'm shutting the computer because I forgot why I got on or got distracted by something, Snickers barking, Kids waking up, kids crying... you name it!

I love this time of year! The first snow, the Christmas music, the Christmas decorations! Sophia is old enough now that she sees the Christmas tree and you can tell she is excited! Although she is still at the stage where she doesn't know if she is more interested in the colorful tree or the presents underneath!
So the other day I was talking to David back in our room, and we go hmmm... there being pretty quiet! Which if you have kids you know is usually never a good sign! So I walk out to check on them and next thing I know there both laughing pretty hard, as I look I see them sitting across from each other wrapping paper in small bits and a box unwrapped! Good thing it was in a box or they would have exposed the gift! So now a gift lay under our tree with no wrapping paper, just a box! haha I think it was a good thing I came out when I did or they would have opened that box too. Needless to say they haven't attempted it since.
Charles is turning into such a babbler! He talks and talks and talks and talks! He makes sounds and noises I have yet to hear Sophia make. Although I have noticed the more he does something the harder she tries to do it too. So I hear her making new noses too! I am not sure how many words Charles says so far, but I know he says more, please (which is hard to understand) , juice, HI, Bye, mom, dad, baby, I think he attempts I love you, but its more like I and then can't quiet make out the rest.
Both Sophia and Charles love to dance and sing, they think it is the funnest thing in the world to turn on music and dance around the living room! I always try and video tape them dancing but as soon as I get my camera out to do so they seem to stop! Camera shy I guess!
Sophia walks really well now and gets sooo excited when we let her walk around with us in a store! She has started this new laugh thing when she is excited she laughs then takes like a big breath and laughs again, it almost sounds as if she is gasping for air! but its just a new silly laugh that she has come up with! The only time I hear her laugh that way is walking next to us in a store, or outside, or if we are playing follow the leader and she is the leader! Sophia has come up with different laughs for almost everything she does! She has her mean-playful laugh she does when hitting something or throwing something at someone, she has her walking laugh, her tired laugh, and her real laugh. I am sure there are more but those are the ones I can think of right now.

Lately Sophia and Charles have been sleeping in! Which lately they have been sleeping in anywhere from 8 to 9 and sometimes 10am! Big change from 6:30 am every morning! But it is now 8:36am and I finally hear Charles. Off to start their oatmeal then go and get him.

Friday, December 9, 2011

two babies two puppies

So yesterday was an interesting day, well interesting morning anyway! Agreeing to watch the neighbor Dog Boon while she works up in Flagstaff for the day so he doesn't sit in his kennel all day sounded like a good thing.  I was excited so Snickers would have a play mate! So it wasn't long that he had been in our house that I realized that he isn't use to being caged in a back yard, and that he does not like when a little girl attempts to take his bone from him!

Meet Boon!

Well after snapping after Sophia twice, I said BOON, and like a smart dog he quiet! Then I told Sophia, you do not take his bone away Sophia Joy he doesn't like that! So then as her brain starts rolling she realizes, hmmm well let me just take Snickers away since he already likes me and i'll give it to Boon as a peace! Well she must be smarter then me because it seemed to do the trick! After that they were the best of friends! Then Nap time came and I was pretty excited! Because if you aren't aware two puppies that aren't use to each other take every second they can to wrestle, or whatever you want to call what they do! And my little girl just loved to be at least a feet away watching so nap time seemed like a great idea! Well I put snickers in the bathroom for his nap, Sophia and Charlie in their rooms and Boon slept by my feet!

The rest of the day went a lot easier then the morning did! Oh I also forgot when Boon decided to bark at snickers for trying to steal his bone Charles came crying hysterically toward me! I guess Snickers has never barked at them or around them! He only barks outside and then they yell Stop Snickers! haha or Bad is what Charles is starting to say!

Boon                                                                             Snickers

So Boon woke and then I put him and Snickers outside, after that he didn't seem to mind the backyard! Which was great for me! Plus Sophia and Charles decided to sleep the day away! Charles finally woke up at 3pm and I woke Sophs up around 3:30! So overall it was a great day Snickers got a new best friend! Who thankfully lives just across the street and Charles finally got over being scared of him! It is funny how he got upset when he barked but when Boon was chasing him around the living room he laughed and just ran around thinking it was super fun! Silly boy!

             Sophia less then a foot away while Boon has his bone.

few days before yesterday out playing in the snow

 we also built a snowman, but I think I made him poorly becuase he stood a whole 10 mins!

Sophia in our sledding tube, Sophia especially loves to sled this year!

Charles likes the tube indoors!

Silly Charles... sitting? on the Chair 

Sophia and Charles rocking the chair


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Deck the Halls

Sophia helping decorate the tree

Sophia trying to tickle me

I think she found it funnier then I did that she was tickling me!

Sophia and Chars in front of our Christmas Tree