

Sunday, March 18, 2012


and lots of it! Its pretty crazy when you go to bed at 11 to no snow and wake up to a FOOT and in the middle of March! Especially since we had like NO SNOW this whole winter! Northern Arizona is pretty crazy like that though! I remember getting snow in May these last few years since we moved here in 2007. Especially since the other day was 60 degrees and today is Sunday and by Thursday its suppose to be 60 again!!!
Although when this happens I always think of the poor tourist that get stuck here in Williams, AZ or Flagstaff, AZ! All the roads going and coming from town are CLOSED! I-17 , I-40, 180 going to the canyon! Yup your stuck with us! wahahaha, LOL just kidding! Then others like Brad and Sally who get stuck in Vegas! people are stuck here and people can't get here!
Glad I did my grocery shopping yesterday! Now I get to sit in my nice warm house and just admire the random beautiful snow! Although I must admit I was excited to be taking walks, going to the park with the kiddos! and Now Now, we get a foot of snow!!! But with how warm its suppose to get soon it will probably melt off pretty quickly! HOPEFULLY anyway!

Here are quiet a few pictures, some from the park Friday, then this morning with the snow!

I left the room and came back and Charles had climbed up on the swirly chair to play piano! He isn't allowed to play piano unless we let him on our lap, but it was too cute I caved and let him play for a little while!

Sophia wanting to play too!

The Park Friday with a beautiful day of 61 degrees!

They love the park!

After we saw the forecast for snow we took them to the Park twice Thursday, once Friday and a walk to the Lake Friday in the afternoon. Saturday was spent in Flagstaff grocery Shopping!

Video of Charlie going down the slide!

They did this for almost an hour! Picking up rocks and putting them on the bench! They though they were SO FUNNY! Then they would scatter them and laugh really hard at themselves!

Then they decided to throw the rocks on the side walk! 


Yup that is our car under that SNOW!

Snickers was PRETTY excited he got to play with snow again!

haha this was a raven out back trying to stay warm!

Random picture of them eating apple sauce!
Yup they both are using a spoon! Although Sophs is a lot better at it then Charlie, Charles makes a pretty big mess with his!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, WAY too cute! I love them so much! The best picture is the one of them both peaking over the slide. Adorable :) Thanks for posting these Rachel. Makes me feel like maybe I'm not missing out on so much of their lives. They develop SO fast!! We're so excited to come visit in May- counting down the days :)
