

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Before and After

Sophia's Room before

Mine and Davids room before

Charles' room before

bathroom before (main) 

They had some awesome interior decorating skills they had wall-paper on the cupboards and boarded it with rope that was stapled on!

Hall before on the left you can kind of make out all the patches David fixed because they went Shelf Happy! Seriously! Shelves all up and down the hall in every bedroom!

The Progress starting to show

painting cupboards is a lot harder then we anticipated!

Especially since it took several coats because the dark wood before kept bleeding back through!

slowly turning white!

The painting in the bedrooms! (Sophs room)

Mine and Davids

Charles Room

bathroom getting fixed up


all our junk on the counter top

Laundry room is finally white!

Our awesome family/game room

smaller bathroom

our beautiful kitchen

its amazing how much better and bigger the white cupboards/book case make the house look!

All our garbage that still needs to be hauled away!

Front yard! What a difference!!

Sophs sound asleep while we are busy taking pictures!



I wanted these to be at the beginning but somehow I can't get them back up!  



Our view out our front window! That would be Mt Williams, and you can actually see Humphrey from the front deck, not a wonderful view kind of obscured but still.. you can see it!

Random Pics of Sophia and Charles! because what good is a blog post without them!

Sophia with a scarf and a purse, she went to the front door after this, I guess she thought she was leaving since she was ready to go!

There new toys they LOVE! The end glows and the stick! Talk about a cool toy!

Charles room, a little messy but for some reason I can never remember to get a picture when its clean!

haha just chilling in his closet!

coloring... yes with a white crayon! lol

Sophs is carrying... 4 PURSES!

haha or maybe its 5! Not sure...

LOL! I think she is wearing almost ALL of her play clothes pulling a big bag as a purse!

I put this in again because I keep forgetting to get a pic of Sophs room, although it doesn't look too much different, well the slides not there and the toys are put away.. usually anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, good work you guys! Amazing what some paint and a lot of work will do! :)
