

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sophia and Charles

So yesterday Charles decided he was going to learn to JUMP! It was the funniest thing watching him, I think he actually managed to get a few cm off the ground the last time and he was pretty proud of himself! Sophia on the other hand just watched him and didn't attempt to try.
Then later that night David and me were talking in the living room, Sophia and Charles had disappeared to Charlies room and we heard them laughing hysterically!! Curious on what was so funny but also being their bedtime we called them back out to the living room for story time and hugs. So then we walked back to Charlies room first like normal only to TRIP over a DRAWER completely unattached to the dresser! David and me started laughing pretty hard too realizing now what they found soo funny just ten minutes or so before.

I got a video of Sophia being silly walking around with a basket on her head laughing about it, and Charles was behind her with one too but I never got him on the video, he must have gotten distracted by something.

this was a few weeks ago after we finally got Snow! which is mostly all gone again.

I love how snow looks in trees after a snowfall!

Charles decided to follow snickers under our coffee table.

Sophia decided that it looked like fun! Wearing daddy's tie too!

They turned it into a game! Which they do with most things now a days, following each other under then out!

Sophia admiring our Christmas tree!

Haha, she always smiles BIG for the camera!

Goofy girl!


ok mom! enough is enough!

haha Playing follow the leader with baskets on their heads!

Daddy gave them this idea

haha Snickers decided to join!

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